Asbestos Testing Adelaide: Asbestos Testing in Warehouses

Asbestos, a natural mineral fibre, was widely utilised by manufacturers and builders due to its ability to resist heat, resist fires, insulate effectively, and resist dust particles that were released when disturbed – features which made asbestos attractive to manufacturers and builders who sought it out due to its unique qualities. Unfortunately, asbestos releases tiny particles that can become airborne when disturbed, potentially leading to lung cancer or mesothelioma diagnosis in those exposed.


An asbestos testing in warehouse Adelaide should include a visual examination, collection, analysis, and interpretation of samples taken from the area being inspected, along with providing written evaluation and recommendations for correction or prevention of problems that have been detected.

Warehouse workers may be exposed to asbestos when receiving goods and loading trucks, sorting merchandise and materials stored therein and inspecting them – processes which disrupt material stored there, potentially dislodging asbestos fibres into the air.

Warehouse workers exposed to asbestos-containing materials may be entitled to compensation. 

Assuming an asbestos-containing material is undisturbed and will remain undisturbed in its current state, no sampling or removal action is required. If it will become disturbed in the future or damaged in some way, removal or encapsulation may be necessary to limit the further spreading of fibbers and to facilitate sampling more safely; wet the area before collecting samples using water mixed with detergent to minimise fibre release.


Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fibre widely used in construction materials and industrial products over time. It’s fire and heatproof and electrically inert; unfortunately, prolonged exposure can lead to serious health problems, including asbestosis and mesothelioma – particularly among warehouse workers who spend long hours handling asbestos-containing materials over many years.

To determine whether asbestos is present in an area, asbestos testing in warehouse Adelaide must be collected from its material and analysed by a lab. A proper sample can be placed between plastic sheeting and placed into a clean container like a 35 mm film canister, small glass or plastic vial, or high-quality resealable plastic bag and placed tightly sealed after collection. The samples must also be adequately cleaned before being tightly sealed to protect their integrity.

Before conducting asbestos sampling, heating and cooling systems must be disabled to minimise any release of asbestos fibres that might contaminate the site and lessen any chance of contamination. Furthermore, care must be taken so as not to disturb asbestos more than necessary while wearing appropriate personal protective equipment; wetting materials with water containing some detergent drops could also help.


Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals composed of long, thin fibres with superior mechanical, physical and acoustical properties that made them attractive building materials in the past. When released into the air and breathed in by its users, asbestos exposure may result in respiratory diseases, including lung cancer and mesothelioma; risk increases with frequent or extended exposure periods.

Warehouse workers are at particular risk for asbestos-related diseases. Once used in roofing, insulation, fireproofing and manufacturing applications such as brakes, clutch facings and paint production, asbestos has largely been phased out of these industries. It is most frequently found as chrysotile, with smaller percentages utilised by crocidolite, amosite and even Tremolite as contaminants within some industrial products.

When asbestos is suspected, qualified asbestos testing in warehouse Adelaide should take samples for analysis. Care must be taken when taking samples; patches should also be placed over the area where samples were taken for safe collection.


Air must be continuously monitored in the work area using a portable air monitor, with results compared to background air monitoring data collected by the Environmental Protection Agency or other relevant agencies. Once clearance air tests have been passed, use can resume within the work area; be wary of firms offering asbestos inspection, assessment or removal that have connections to asbestos-correction firms.