9 signs you need a new boiler

Boilers have an average lifespan (10-15 years) but no exact expiration date and the first time many people realise their boiler needs to be replaced is when it breaks down completely.

For obvious reasons, this is not ideal. Far too many people have waited too long to have their boiler replaced and found themselves left shivering for days on end in the heart of winter, waiting for an emergency engineer.

Rather than waiting for the inevitable to occur, knowing the tell-tale signs that a boiler is reaching the end of its life will allow you to pick the perfect moment to arrange for a gas safe engineer who specialises in new boilers Glasgow to come and install a shiny new one.

boiler installation vector
Here are 10 signs that the time has come to replace your old boiler:

It is over 9 years old

Boilers start to drop off in terms of reliability and energy efficiency around the 8-9 year mark so if your boiler is reaching this age, it is time to start considering getting a new one.

Even if you haven’t had a major breakdown just yet, without action it may well be just around the corner and upgrading to a new boiler, with its excellent energy efficiency, long-term warranty, and ultra-smooth performance will reduce stress for both you and your wallet.

You are regularly paying for repairs

A single boiler breakdown isn’t fun, but multiple is a complete nightmare. If your boiler is constantly going on the blink there is clearly an underlying issue and failing to act is only going to make matters worse. This is particularly problematic if your boiler’s warranty has already expired as you will have to fork out a significant amount each and every time a repair is needed.

You don’t have an A-Rated boiler

There is a legal requirement in the UK that any new boiler installed must have an efficiency level of at least 92% as part of the ongoing battle to reduce carbon emissions. Unfortunately, most older boilers fall well short of that, with G rated boilers falling into the below 70%. This not only increases your carbon footprint but also means that you are wasting 30p+ of every £1 that you spend on your heating.

You are struggling to find repair parts

If a boiler engineer visits your home to carry out a repair and informs you that they will have to send away for a part as they are no longer common, this is a pretty clear sign your boiler is getting on a bit and a new one is needed.

You have found a leak

Water leaking from a boiler is never good, and not only indicates that there is something wrong with the boiler itself but also that property damage, mould growth, electrical damage, and more, may not be too far around the corner.

The moment that you discover a water leak on your property, call an emergency gas safe engineer to come and take a look.

You smell gas

Contrary to popular belief, the gas used in your home is actually naturally odourless, but is given that tell-tale eggy smell as a safety measure to indicate to those nearby that there is a leak. If you do smell gas, or your carbon monoxide detector is activated, evacuate the property and call the Gas Emergency Services.

Your boiler flame has turned from blue to yellow

Healthy boilers burn a blue flame and if this flame turns to orange or even yellow, this is an indication that carbon monoxide is being released and the boiler is not functioning as it should.

You start to feel unwell

If you are feeling nauseous, dizzy, or are constantly racked with fatigue, this could be a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning and suggests your boiler is leaking gas. Carbon monoxide is not something to take lightly, and over exposure can be fatal in certain situations. Even if your carbon monoxide detector hasn’t yet gone off, you should have your system checked if you are suspicious.

You are struggling to keep your home warm

boiler being adjusted

Are you finding that you are having to turn your heating up higher and leave it on for longer than ever before simply to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home during the winter months? If so, the efficiency of your boiler may well be too blame and only a new one will be able to meet your home heating requirements.

Your heating bills are disproportionately high

Heating bills are on the rise in general, but if you are paying vastly more than you have in the past for your heating, and more than other similar sized properties it may well have less to do with global trends and more to do with your boiler itself.